What previous participants report
Tip: click on the picture to read it at your leisure. Voriger Nächster Lassen Sie uns ins Gespräch kommen! Ihre Teams könnten mehr Schwung, Struktur oder Inspiration gebrauchen? Gemeinsam entwickeln wir ein Training, das nicht nur nachhaltig wirkt, sondern Ihre Mitarbeitenden begeistert. Schreiben Sie mir – ich freue mich darauf, Ihre Ziele zu hören und […]
A selection of previous projects
Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) Lecturer for MBA Program: Master of Business Administration“Developing Your Leadership Personality with Assertiveness” Max Planck Society, Munich Headquarters:Successful in science and business as a postdoc Arvato (Digital Media, Bertelsmann Group), Munich:Program for the promotion of female executives: Confident appearance as a woman in a man’s world University […]
Questions and answers
Why should I apply for or request further training? Further training offers me the opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge. This not only strengthens my professional competence, but also helps me to perform my tasks even more efficiently and innovatively. If possible, give examples from your specific area of work. My bosses argue that […]
A little tip: To receive an automatic notification for each episode, simply click click here, and subscribe to the podcast subscribeby clicking on “Follow”. Dear listeners, It fills me with great gratitude that you are taking the time to listen to my words and thoughts. Your decision to be part of this audience honors me […]
Questions and answers
1. “How do you ensure that your training courses meet the needs of our employees?” To ensure that the training is tailored precisely to your employees’ requirements, I conduct a detailed briefing with you in advance. We clarify the objectives, challenges and desired results of the training. In addition, the participants receive a questionnaire in […]
Fair leadership – with heart and mind!
Leadership and work in the digital revolution Requires managers who inspire and motivate their employees and promote their independence! Where pressure and control were commonplace just a few years ago and were used effectively in many places, in times of the digital revolution this only generates head-shaking, resistance and refusal. A study conducted by StepStone […]
Coaching – individual approaches, measurable success
Executive coaching is help for self-help As an owner | entrepreneur | manager | team or project leader, you have an enormous amount of responsibility. You constantly want to steer projects to their goals, achieve figures, conduct negotiations, motivate employees, find and satisfy customers, optimize service, meet deadlines, increase quality, adapt procedures and processes, clear up misunderstandings, find viable solutions and make coherent decisions and present them with confidence.