Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)
Lecturer for MBA Program: Master of Business Administration
“Developing Your Leadership Personality with Assertiveness”
Max Planck Society, Munich Headquarters:
Successful in science and business as a postdoc
Arvato (Digital Media, Bertelsmann Group), Munich:
Program for the promotion of female executives: Confident appearance as a woman in a man’s world
University of Applied Sciences, Munich
Program for female professors: “Confidently convincing in an academic environment”
BMW AG Munich, Dingolfing and Regensburg:
15 years 2-3 in-house seminars/workshops/coaching sessions per month on the following topics:
- High-potential qualification for university graduates: “Drive Program”:
Teaching interpersonal skills in two blocks of 5 days each - Team development and department-specific group moderation
- Communication: the basics of conducting conversations, the art of arguing, self-image and the image of others, conflict management, presenting and moderating
Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim
“Conveying, presenting and convincing continuous improvement processes confidently as a moderator in the company”
MRM McCann, Frankfurt (international advertising agency)
“Successful presentations (pitches) to customers”
Richard Wolf, Knittlingen (global subsidiaries for minimally invasive medical technology):
Program for the 60 managers in Germany
“Conduct motivating employee appraisals”
Hornbach headquarters (Digital Media department):
Sales-oriented communication for marketing employees