There are many parallels between acompany and a sailing ship. On Course & Partner ® has specialized in ensuring that skippers and crews

  • Challenging and promoting skills and talents: Recognizing and deepening skills
  • Finding clear agreements , living best practice, giving constructive feedback
  • VUKA times: Living flexibility, enabling proactive action, adapting, practicing and optimizing processes and procedures in good time.

Arrive safely and securely even in stormy times

As an experienced business trainer and systemic coach, I come on board as a kind of pilot and accompany you and your team to a safe harbor.

As an enthusiastic sailor, I know only too well how strong the wind can sometimes be. If you don’t know exactly what’s important in stressful times, you quickly lose out.

We all live in a so-called VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). This requires constant adjustments to our course. If we want to navigate safely through sudden turbulence, both helmsman and crew need good preparation and plenty of practice.

Even the ancient Vikings knew this:

“We can’t control the wind, but we can adjust the sails to the right course.”

So “cast off” and off to exciting destinations

Welcome on board!

So that you arrive safe and sound

As an experienced trainer, coach and companion, I will take you and/or your team on an exciting journey of discovery on topics such as

  • Acquisition & expansion of leadership skills
  • Creation and management of successful teams
  • Expansion of interpersonal skills.
  • Consolidation of presentation and moderation skills
  • Increasing customer orientation

Your return on investment

Investing in interpersonal skills often pays off quickly. This is reflected in increased employee satisfaction, improved customer relations and, ultimately, sustainable business success.

The ability to approach challenges in communication and dealing with conflicts in a more relaxed and flexible way creates a balance between professional excellence, personal growth and a fulfilling “work – life – purpose”.

Are you planning a company training course?

We develop customized programs that are individually tailored to the needs of your company.

Let’s talk about it!

Do you want to make yourself “fit for your professional future”?

Then take a look at the open program.

You are looking for professional business coaching

Then find out here what opportunities await you.

Let us write your success story together! Contact me for further information and personal advice.